Friday, 29 June 2012

Winter snaps

Winter is setting in, which means fewer and fewer outdoor activities, plenty of movie watching, sitting by the fire, and mulled wine!  Despite the cold, we had a jam packed weekend full of farmers market brunch, Flight of the Concords (third row... ahh!), polar dipping (jumping in the freezing cold ocean, in a costume, in winter.. for fun), and mid-winter lantern festival!

Anyways, thought I would post a few snaps from around town.  Happy winter weekend!

1 Gorgeous sunrise. 815 am....  makes it hard to get to the office before 930.
2 Farmers market now sells mostly apples... hello winter, so long stone fruit and berries.
3 Managed to sneak in some office time, this is the frog that guards the front door at zoology
4 Crepes for dinner!
5 Flight of the Conchords!!
Bowie's in Space - FOTC
7-9 Mid-winter lantern festival!